<-..:Design Reviews:^..:home|Wiki Home^..:Artifacts: -> ====== Assignments ====== This section helps you to know and understand Capstone assignments that will occur throughout the year. Many assignments are professional activities to increase your overall understanding and skills beyond your project. As such, some assignments may not be directly related to advancing your design. These assignments help you communicate with others, develop skills in project management, and keep your sponsor informed of your progress. The assignments are split up into sections for the whole year and then the individual semesters. =====All Year==== ====Discussions and Instructional Packets==== Most scheduled instructional periods will have reading assignments that you are expected to complete. Each reading assignment will be available on the schedule in Learning Suite. The reading assignments should be completed before coming to class. Details and grading are given in [[.:all_year:discussions_and_instructional_packets]]. ====Weekly Status Updates==== Teams are //required// to submit weekly project status reviews to Capstone and their sponsors. They will be graded. Details and grading information can be found at [[.:all_year:weekly_status_updates]]. ====Individual Contribution Summary Worksheet==== Each team member's individual contribution to the project will be evaluated and graded with the aid of an Individual Contribution Worksheet. Team members should frequently update the sheet, as it will be the basis of four grades per semester. Details are found at [[.:all_year:individual_contribution_summary_worksheet]]. ====Peer and Coach Evaluations==== Twice per semester you will be asked to evaluate your teammates and your coach. You will be sent an individual-specific link to a Qualtrics survey asking for these evaluations. Details can be found at [[.:all_year:peer_and_coach_evaluations]]. ====Presentations==== Presenting your work to others is an essential part of being a good engineer. Each semester of Capstone normally concludes with a formal presentation to the university community and project sponsors. These presentations will give you practice in preparing and presenting your Capstone work to others in a public setting. Check the schedule on Learning Suite for Capstone [[.:all_year:presentations]]. ====Product Development Exam==== A written exam on the fundamentals of product development will be given each semester as scheduled on Learning Suite. Details and grading of the exam can be found at [[.:all_year:product_development_exam|Product Development Exam]]. =====Fall Semester===== ====Team Name and Logo==== Each team is encouraged to create a team name and logo. Teams who choose to create a name and logo often find that it gives the team a sense of identity and fosters a sense of professional pride in the team's work, as it can be used on their documentation. This is optional, but all names and logos must be created using the [[.:fall:team_name_and_logo|Team Name and Logo]] instructions and be approved by the Capstone office. ====Team Shirts==== Capstone will supply team shirts to promote professionalism and team unity. Teams can pick their own shirt styles within the [[.:fall:team_shirts]] guidelines. =====Winter Semester===== ====Project Poster==== Presenting your work to others is an essential part of good engineering. Posters are a common way to present information at conferences and other venues. Your team will prepare a poster about your project, which will be due in Winter semester as scheduled on Learning Suite. Instructions can be found at [[.:winter:project_poster]]. ====Design Fair==== Near the end of the school year, we will host a Capstone [[.:winter:design_fair]] that will allow you to share your project achievements with the University community, the sponsors, and the general public. This is a great opportunity to show off your great work. The Design Fair will be held in the Wilkinson Student Center Ballroom. You will have an assigned booth to display the results of your project. ====Project Description==== Each team will prepare a short paragraph describing their project success that is to turned in during Winter Semester according to the schedule on Learning Suite. Follow the given instructions for preparing the [[.:winter:project_description]]. ====Checkout Clearance==== At the end of the school year, you must go through the Capstone [[.:winter:checkout_clearance]] process to ensure that all the loose ends associated with your project are tied up.