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Common Artifacts Table

This Table lists some artifacts that are commonly used and a commonly used acronym for them. We note that it is unlikely you will use all of these, and you many need ones not on the list. Adapt as appropriate for your project.

Common artifact used in product development
Project Planning and Reporting
SOW Statement of Work
PP Project Plan
RMP Project Resource/Manpower Plan
PS Project Schedule
AM Project Network Diagram and Critical Path
WS Weekly Status Report
CR Cost Reports
ECO Engineering Change Order
Design Definition
P Individual Part/Component Drawings
A Assembly Drawings (including exploded views)
G Circuit Card Artwork and Fabrication Documentation
S Schematics
SP Specifications for Procurement of Components and Materials
PL Parts Lists
BOM Bill of Materials
AP Assembly Procedures
AA Alignment/Adjustment Procedures
WD Wiring Diagrams
CONN Connector Diagrams
PIN Pinout diagrams
PD Pneumatic Diagrams
HD Hydraulic Diagrams
BD Block Diagrams
SD State Diagrams
TD Timing Diagrams
CF Software Source Code
BI Software Build Instructions
FL Flowcharts
PSC Pseudocode
FD Tooling and Fixture Documentation
CD Concept Description/Definition
Product Requirements
RFD Requirements Flow-down
RM System Level Requirement Matrices
RM Subsystem Requirement Matrices
Safety Requirements
TD Timing Diagrams
FL Flowcharts
PC Pseudocode
Performance Demonstration
TPL Test Plans (with predicted results)
TP Test Procedures (with check lists and result forms)
TR Test Reports
VTR Verification Test Report
PR Prototypes
Performance Prediction
EA Hand Calculations / Structural Loads Analyses
EA FEA Analyses
EA Thermal Analyses
EA Electrical Circuit Analyses and Modeling
SA Safety Analyses
FA Financial Analyses
FMEA Failure Modes and Effects Analyses (FMEA)
FTA Fault Tree Analysis
CF Computer files used for analysis
Design Justification
DJ Decision Trees and Matrices
DJ Decision Process and Decision Criteria Definition
DJ Concept Selection Report
CF Customer Feedback
FAIL Failure Analyses
TPL Test Plans (with predicted results)
TP Test Procedures (with check lists and result forms)
TR Test Reports
PR Prototypes
RS Research Finding Summary
RS External Research Summary
project-wiki/artifacts/common_artifacts_table.txt · Last modified: 2023/08/16 12:33 by mlhicks