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All Year

These assignments are due both semesters of Capstone. They are presented in order by when you need to submit them.

Discussions and Instructional Packets

For each class, your team should have a discussion about what was taught. You will record your discussions in Discussions and Instructional Packets.

Weekly Status Updates

Starting with the second week of class, your team will submit a status report to your sponsor each Wednesday. These Weekly Status Updates describe your accomplishments for the week and your plans for the next week. They have artifacts attached that show the evolution of the design over the week.

Individual Contribution Summary Worksheet

Each week, every team member keeps track of their contributions to the team on the Individual Contribution Summary Worksheet. In the middle and end of each semester the coach reviews the worksheet and gives a contribution score to each team member.

Peer and Coach Evaluations

In the middle and at the end of each semester, students complete Peer and Coach Evaluations to give feedback to their ream members and coach.


Teams make Presentations at each design review. They also make a presentation to the sponsor of their project at the end of each semester.

Product Development Exam

During the final exam period of each semester, a Product Development Exam is given during the scheduled final exam period. The exam is given online via Learning Suite.

project-wiki/assignments/all_year/home.txt · Last modified: 2021/11/10 21:16 (external edit)