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Individual Contribution Summary Worksheet

Each team member's individual contribution to the project will be evaluated and graded with the aid of an Individual Contribution Summary Worksheet. A template for this file is available on Box at 2023-24 Capstone > Class Documents 2023-2024 > Forms > IC-Summary-Worksheet.xlsx Team members should frequently update their individual sheet, as it will be the basis of two grades per semester.

A copy of the Individual Contribution Worksheet form is available on Box, under Class Documents/Forms. Each team member should copy the Individual Contribution Summary worksheet to the Individual Contributions folder with the name of “<Student Name> IC Summary <Semester>.xlsx”, where the <Student Name> reflects the individual student's name and the <Semester> is either “Fall” or “Winter”. Each week, you should fill out your Individual Contribution Summary Worksheet to show the artifacts that you have contributed that week. Your coach will use your worksheet to assign two grades per semester: a mid-semester Individual Contribution Assessment and an end-of-semester Individual Contribution Assessment.

The Individual Contribution Summary worksheet should be completed weekly throughout the semester as you work on and/or complete tasks that contribute to your project. For each contribution you make, you will list the name of the contribution (typically an artifact), the design skills (see Chapter 3 of the textbook) demonstrated by the contribution, a link to the artifact in Box, and your evaluation of the quality. There is also a place for your coach's evaluation of the quality.

Individual Contribution Assessment

Your Capstone coach will evaluate your individual contribution to the project, twice each semester.

NOTE: If your average Individual Project Contribution score is less than 70%, you will not receive full credit for the Team Project Performance Score or the Team Professionalism score. Please be a full contributor to your team!

Near the middle and at the end of the semester, your coach will review the Individual Contribution Summary worksheet and evaluate your contributions. The coach will discuss these evaluations with you. The coach will assign an overall Individual Project Contribution grade based on the quantity of your contributions. The grade will be based on the coach's subjective evaluation of your work.

If you are making contributions to the project that are not reflected in artifacts, you may wish to think more closely about what an Artifact is. Any contribution to the project can be captured in an artifact.

project-wiki/assignments/all_year/individual_contribution_summary_worksheet.txt · Last modified: 2023/06/26 08:59 by gibsonag