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Peer and Coach Evaluations

Twice per semester you will be sent an email link to a Qualtrics survey asking you to evaluate your team members and your coach.

The peer evaluation survey asks you to describe the behavior of yourself and your teammates relative to the characteristics of Team Effectiveness. The survey is a little bit complicated. You can get practice with the peer evaluation survey at

The coach evaluation survey asks you to evaluate your coach's performance in each of the major responsibilities of a Capstone coach: mentoring individuals, mentoring the team, supporting the project work, and helping you learn.

The survey links are unique to each individual, because the surveys ask you specific questions about your team members and coaches. You should not share the links with your team members.

Full credit is given when the survey is completed. Please take these evaluations seriously, as they provide important feedback to individuals who are trying to improve.

The dates for the survey are listed in Learning Suite and will show up on your Capstone dashboard. If you have not received an email from “Capstone Administrator” by the start date of the survey, please do a search of all your email folders. Gmail occasionally puts these emails into Spam folders or Publicity folders. If, after a search, you cannot find the emails, please contact the Capstone office.

project-wiki/assignments/all_year/peer_and_coach_evaluations.txt · Last modified: 2021/11/12 09:28 (external edit)