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Design Reviews

Need help in preparing for your design reviews? This is the place to come. Your pod instructor and/or coach can also help answer design review questions.

Opportunity Development Review

The Opportunity Development Review explores your understanding of the requirements for success in your project. It is a presentation and artifact review.

Concept Review

The Concept Review is an initial review of your concept. It is a presentation-only review. If your concept is good, there will not be many changes requested at this review. If your concept is not good, you will hear suggestions for improvement before you have invested the time to fully-define the architecture.

Architecture Review and Fall Semester Design Report

The Architecture Review and Fall Semester Design Report is a final review of your concept and the entire product architecture. The review includes a presentation, a submission, and a re-submission. The submission for the review is the Fall Semester Design report.

Winter Planning Review

The Winter Planning Review is a presentation-only review. The objective is to review the schedule at the beginning of the semester to help you allocate the appropriate time to succeed.

Subsystem Engineering Review

The Subsystem Engineering Review is a presentation and artifact review. The object of this review is to carefully examine your system design and identify needed changes while there is still time to make the change.

System Refinement Review and Final Design Report

The System Refinement Review and Final Design Report is a final review of your work on the project. The review includes a presentation, a submission, and a re-submission. The submission for the review is the Final Design report. The review is held enough before the end of the semester to allow you to polish both your hardware and your documentation based on feedback.

Project Success Agreement

The Project Success Agreement captures the common understanding between the team, the sponsor, and Capstone about what constitutes success on the project. This document will get its start during Opportunity Development, will have its initial approval during Concept Development, and will serve as the basis for the desirability analysis during System Refinement.

Design Review Document Standards

To make the review of your artifacts easier, we have provided standards for Artifact Formatting.

project-wiki/design_reviews/home.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/24 16:02 by mlhicks