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Capstone Project Wiki

This document provides information about succeeding in the Capstone class and on your Capstone project. Class-specific information is found here.

In addition to this document, there are two books to help you learn about product development:

Please reference these books frequently for general product development process information.


The Syllabus describes the structure of the Capstone class and provides information about organization, procedures, and policies. It also presents the grading algorithms used to establish your grade in Capstone.

Please note that the syllabus provides an overview. Detailed information for most topics included in the syllabus is found by following the links in the syllabus.

At-a-Glance Schedules

At-a-Glance Schedules are designed to let you see everything required by class in each semester on a single page. There are some dates that are specifically for your team that will not be shown in the At-a-Glance tables, although there are placeholders.

You can download the At-a-Glance schedules in pdf and xls format for your use.

Fall Semester Student At-A-Glance
Fall Semester Coach At-A-Glance
Winter Semester Student At-A-Glance
Winter Semester Coach At-A-Glance

Design Reviews

Design Reviews has documents that will help you advance your design and succeed in your design reviews. It has detailed information that helps you understand the materials needed for each design review.

Opportunity Development Review
Concept Review
Architecture Review and Fall Semester Design Report
Winter Planning Review
Subsystem Engineering Review
System Refinement Review and Final Design Report
Project Success Agreement
Formatting Printed Reports
Artifact Formatting


These Capstone Assignments help you communicate with others, develop skills in project management, and keep your sponsor informed of your progress to allow you to better succeed in Capstone.

All Year

Fall Semester

Winter Semester


Artifacts provides information to help you prepare excellent artifacts that reflect your excellent design. Use this section as a reference as you work on your project.

Artifact Overview
Design Artifacts
Artifact Formatting
Engineering Drawing Standards
Requirements Artifacts
Software Artifacts
Test Artifacts
Project Data Archive

Software Projects

Purchasing and Travel

Office Resources

Office and Workspace Resources describes how to get support for office work and your team workspace.

Office Resources
Team Workspace

Tools for Success

Tools for Success contains things that have been found to be helpful by teams over the years. Scan through these, and carefully review those that apply to your project.

Circuit Boards
Design Competitions
Hardware Resources
People Who Can Help
Safety Plans
Software Resources
Team Effectiveness
Tuckman Team Stages
Wiring Tips

Website Help

Visit Website Help for instructions on how to use the website

Examples of Student Work

Examples of student work from past years are found in Examples of Student Work


project-wiki/home.txt · Last modified: 2023/08/15 15:51 by gibsonag