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Team Workspace

Each team will have an assigned workspace. This space will have a bench and some storage space for your hardware. The location of your workspace will be determined by Capstone staff who are aware of the needs of all of the projects. Most teams will be assigned space in one of three locations: (1) the PRL, 126 and 136 EB; (2) 451 CB; and (3) the Motor Sports Lab, 124 EB. Other spaces may be assigned if special needs for your project make it advisable.

Eye protection is required at all times in the PRL as well as in all labs in the college. Students are responsible for their own safety glasses. Upon completion of the safety training for the PRL, Capstone will provide you a pair of safety glasses, along with a scratch-prevention pouch. If you lose or damage your safety glasses, you will be responsible for replacing them.

Having a clean and orderly work area will help your team work more efficiently, effectively, and safely. Your team will be graded several times a semester on the state of your work and meeting areas.

Team workspace will be assigned after completion of the required safety training.

Safety Training (required for card access)

Safety Training is required to be assigned a workspace and to have card access to the PRL, the MSL, and CB Project space. Safety training is accomplished by following the procedure below.

  1. On day 2 of class each team was given a Proximity Access Permission form. If needed, a replacement copy can be obtained by contacting the Capstone office in 344 EB.
  2. All team members must complete the online safety training listed on the form.
    • Click Catalog, Engineering and Technology, Mechanical Engineering
    • Click PRL/MSL Safety Training Program. This includes 3 training modules:
      • Prototyping Lab Safety Training
      • Basic Safety Fire Extinguishers
      • Compressed Air Gun Safety
    • Take each of these training courses by clicking Enroll, then Start.
    • Retake any training course where your score is less than 90%.
  3. All team members print a summarized transcript of their completed safety training as follows:
    • Click on Transcript.
    • Click the Print Transcript button.
    • Click the Print button, select the appropriate destination on the popup, and click Print.
  4. Follow the remaining steps on the Proximity Access Permission form.
  5. Once the form is completed and returned, proximity card access will be requested by the Capstone office and should be granted by the College of Engineering office within two business days after the request.

Safety Training Course Transcript Example

Project Realization Lab (PRL) -- 126 and 136 EB

  • Most project assembly work will occur in these labs. Space assignments in other locations for projects with special needs can also be arranged.
  • Project work space is assigned by Dave Laws,, 350L EB, 801-422-2628 or by Kevin Cole, cole@, 154A CB, 801-422-7446.
  • Work space, hand tools, and power tools are available in the PRL for Capstone use, whether your project space is in the PRL or elsewhere. Tools from the PRL must remain in the PRL. Tools for other areas are available from the ME Checkout room.

The door scanner will accept your card once you have completed the required training as listed above.

Team Meeting Space

Teams may meet in the EB team rooms, lobby areas of the CTB or CB, team workcells in CAEDM labs, room 230 CB, library study rooms, PRL workspace, or other areas decided with their coach.

The team rooms available in the EB can be scheduled through the college scheduling website at

Department Conference Rooms

Department conference rooms can be scheduled on a limited basis and should only be used for occasional meetings (such as a special visit from sponsors). They should NOT be used on a weekly or a recurring basis, or for team meetings, regardless of sponsor attendance. See Team Meeting Space above for available locations for regular team meetings.

project-wiki/office_resources/team_workspace.txt · Last modified: 2023/09/14 16:20 by gibsonag