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Rating and Bidding on Projects

Follow the instructions below to rate and bid on projects.

Please rate at least 10 projects. Rating fewer projects does not increase your chances of getting on your favorite project. Instead, it increases your chances of getting assigned a project you have not rated.

Rating Projects

To rate projects, go to and log in using your netID.

Then, click on the Project Ratings item on the menu bar at the top of the page.

This will open a new page that will show the ratings you have completed and allow you to bid on your three-star projects. Since you have not yet rated any projects, the project list will initially be blank.

Click on the Rate Projects link as shown below.

The Project Ratings window will now appear. It shows the title and description for each project available for rating.

Toward the right side of each project, you will see your rating. You can click on the first star to set a one-star rating, the second star to set a two-star rating, or the third star to set a three-star rating. You can also click on the x to set a zero-star rating.

You can also see how many others have rated the project as one-star, two-star, or three-star. This allows you to see how popular the project is. Only a maximum of 7 students will be assigned to a particular project.

Ratings are recorded as soon as you click on a star. You do not need to save your ratings. Close the browser tab or window or navigate to another page when you are done with your ratings.

Bidding on Projects

You may bid on a maximum of 3 projects that you have rated as 3-star projects. (To “bid” on a project simply means you can add a comment to a specific project that includes your reason for wanting to be part of the team for that project. This might include previous experience, specific professional goals, pertinent completed coursework, etc). You must rate the projects before you can bid on them. Project bids are considered by the Capstone instructors when forming teams.

To bid on projects, click on the Project Ratings menu item.

This will take you to the My Project Ratings and Bids page. There, you will see all of the projects that you have rated. Each 3-star project has a link that allows you to bid on the project, as long as you have fewer than three bids.

Click on the bid link for a project on which you wish to bid. It will take you to the bid entry page.

Do the following:

  1. Click on the Bid on this Project link
  2. Enter the reasons why you think you would be great for this project in the Project Bid window.
  3. Click on the Save button

Your bid will be saved.

Use the browser Back button to go back to the My Project Ratings and Bids page. Reload the page so that you will be able to see the changes. Your bids will now appear.

When you have three bids, you will be unable to create more bids. You will need to choose a bid to delete before adding a new bid.

project-wiki/website-help/rating-bidding/home.txt · Last modified: 2023/07/26 15:07 by gibsonag